Dark current analysis of Si homojunction interfacial work function internal photoemission far-infrared detectors

H. X. Yuan and A. G. U. Perera
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA 30303

A detailed theoretical investigation of dark current mechanisms is performed for a nevel Si n+-i homojunction interfacial work function internal photoemission (HIWIP) far-infrared (FIR) detector. Thermionic emission, thermionic field emission and field emission currents, including the image force effect, are calculated and compared as function of bias voltage and temperature. The bias and temperature dependence of detector noise equivalent power (NEP), limited by thermal noise and background noise, is also calculated. From these results, the optimal operating temperatures and bias voltages are determined. Results show that Si HIWIP FIR detectors may have a performance comparable to the conventional Ge FIR detectors, with some unique advantages over them. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.

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